Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ernie from The Amazing Race

Anyone else a The Amazing Race fan in the US?  I think Ernie Halvorsen is the hottest player ever.  Clicking on his name in the line above will play a video of him posing in the orange speedo below.

Ernie buddy - I think Cindy is great but if you ever want to try anything else I will gladly do anything you want!!  You deserve to be worshipped every day for being the hottie you are both physically and in your heart. 


Leatherpigboy said...

I love amazing race so fun to watch. I think he looks better in this first pic than he normally does. Did i miss the posing episode or is it this week?

Leatherpigboy said...

OMG just watched the clip cant wait for this weeks episode!!

Sir's Boy said...

It is tonight!!!

Found out this week Ernie and Matt Cole are from your area!!

Anonymous said...

Ernie needs a real Asian MAN. ~jockstraplover

Sir's Boy said...

I just need to meet Ernie's dick.